Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Glitter Mustache Wine Glasses

I have been anxiously waiting to post this tutorial on how to apply glitter mustaches on to wine glasses! Now that our new blog, Quite Simply Unrefined, is on it's feet I am happy to tell you that the wait is finally over and the crafting and DIY projects can begin!

First, I'd like to address Glitter. As you all probably know by now, it is ah-mazing. Why? I don't know. Maybe because it sparkles and makes you smile. Or we are all sheep and therefore, following the trend. Either way, glitter is magical.

Second, I'd like to discuss Mustaches. Wow, have they made a comeback. Am I right, or am I right? I think I am definitely right. They are literally everywhere. Literally. Mustaches are exalted; they can be found on funny invitations to mustaches on a stick. People are obsessed. Also, mustaches can be seen on people, just a little FYI.

My fellow friends and acquaintances, and basically people around the entire world drink wine - at least some do. You get my point. I thought I would use the acclaimed glitter and celebrated mustache and combine the two, and put that on to a wine fellow wine drinkers (or whatever you want to put in to the glass), glitter advocates and mustache maniacs can all live happily ever after. Ta-Da.

Finished Product!

To begin this project, set some time aside first to make sure you can finish the project. It is hard to say how much time to allot - some people are faster/slower at some things than others, so after reading this tutorial estimate how long you think it will take you to go through all of the steps.

Let's begin! You can see what I used to make my wine glasses above. You don't need the blue painters tape. You will.might need some newspaper ( I used newspaper - not shown) or some sort of protectant to cover your work space that you can work on.

Wine Glasses - available at your local retail stores like Target (sold in sets of 4)
Mod Podge - craft store (I used the gloss variety)
Glitter - craft store (other colors would work too)
Mustache Template - mustache template
Plastic Cup - I used this for the Mod Podge
Black Felt-Tip Pen/Dry Erase Board Pen
Paint Brushes - craft store (smaller than what is pictured)
Regular Tape - craft store (not pictured)


After you cut your mustache templates, tape one to each one of your four wine glasses. While placing the template, make sure you pay attention on your placement. You will want the placement to be congruent with the way the glass will be held and drunk from (so it looks like they have a mustache when they are taking a drink.)

Carefully trace with your felt-tip pen around the template. It can get caught up in some of the points and curves, but don't worry too much about that - you can fine tune that later. Also, the pen will not be super dark; it will be light and spotty (see below), but that is good because you don't want anything permanent on the glass (marker-wise) incase if you make a mistake, then you are kind of stuck.

You can kind of see the tracing of the mustache template.
When you get done tracing the template, take your marker and "fine tune" the mustache. Make the corners and harder to trace areas darker for easier Mod Podge application.

Take a small paint brush and just a small amount of Mod Podge and fill in the Mustache. Carefully paint the Podge in the edges, making a nice clean line all around (sorry no picture.)

After you have applied Mod Podge to ONE glass, sprinkle some glitter over it RIGHT AWAY before the Podge dries. Set aside.

Repeat these steps with the remaining three glasses.

Keep your glasses in order and repeat the Mod Podge/Glitter application two more times - total of three applications (Mod/Podge/Glitter, Mod Podge/Glitter, Mod Podge/Glitter). Make sure the Mod Podge is dry before each coat (by the time you circle back to glass #1, the mustache is usually dry.)

Three coats of Mod Podge and Glitter!

Once you have finished all of your wine glasses, let them cure overnight. Don't worry about the glitter surrounding the mustaches, you can wipe that off later.

Dried, sealed and cleaned.
After curing overnight, wipe away the extra glitter. Apply one more coat of Mod Podge to seal the deal. Let cure over night again. Some people don't cure/dry for so long, however, I have found that "curing" the Mod Podge and glitter really seals and supports the entire application. Also, when you apply the Mod Podge (beginning to end) don't overdo it. Find a happy medium.

Now you are finished! When you clean them, DO NOT get the glitter mustache wet. This is very important to keep in mind. If you make these for someone, please tell them this.

I really hope you liked my Glitter Mustache Wine Glasses tutorial. If there is anything I left out, or if you need any additional information, let me know! Also, if you make these I would love to see them. 

***** I’m happy to share this pattern, but please credit me with a link to this post. We'd love to see your finished product - send us your pictures!******
